Red Brick and Siding Color Combinations Ideas with Photos 2024
Red bricks’ home style is famous worldwide because of the attractive color and professional look it offers to a place. Even if you don’t perform heavy painting work, red bricks are always the perfect choice to make your place look beautiful. However, have you ever realized that siding color combinations with the red brick house could offer an appealing look? This post offers some ideas for red bricks and siding color combinations to get a more accurate and charming look.
I’ll look at some outstanding exterior red brick and siding color combinations to give you a sense of what color siding matches with red brick.

Overall, light neutral colors like white, grey, and brown and off-whites like beige and tan go well with a red brick house with siding. Greens and blues are also suitable. People also love sage green siding with red brick.
There are many options for siding with red bricks, but the most important is using colors that bring out the red brick’s tone.
For example, you might use lighter hues with dark red brick; you can choose a color up to a few shades more profound than red on a more lightweight red brick.
Different Designs of Red Brick And Siding Color Combinations
1. Choose Two
Give muted coral a try if you’re aiming for a more contemporary, sleek look. This color looks great with lighter shades of red brick and white accents. Add white siding and a border to the coral siding to finish the design. This way, your house will look beautiful and light, which is ideal.
2. Warm Sienna
If you wonder what color siding to use with red brick, warm sienna is just for you. The type of siding you pick to complement the brick depends on the design of your home.
The house has a Dutch cottage vibe to it in this example. This red brick color and siding combination gives a warmer and more attractive look. Moreover, there is no need to revise the color combination or reinstall anything after a short interval. This combination remains durable and safe.

3. Colonial Prestige
This property is an excellent illustration of how the right siding can improve your home’s appearance. This red-siding brick house would be bare without the gray-brown cladding.
Much of what renders it so extraordinary would be lost. The white columns around the semi-covered lobby, which match the white season’s room, would be less noticeable. In this example, the siding’s neutral color modernizes the home while preserving its former glory.
4. Heart Of The Home
Brick is lovely, but highlights and textures often bring it out even more. Maintain the color scheme with siding near the brick if you don’t want to overdo the accents.

Red brick color alone offers a perfect choice. Still, you may need to add something extra to enhance the value of your home or any other place using a unique red brick and siding color combination scheme. In my experience, If you want to own an ancient-style home look, use a siding color combination with the same color and texture as the red bricks. In this way, your house is not only beautiful but also offers a cool look to the visitors.
5. A Sage Choice
When choosing a red brick siding color, consider the shading and your preferences. Aim for something more subtle if you don’t want to go for the showy Malibu beach home look. This house exudes excellent sophistication, including turquoise siding embracing its aged brick chimney. The owner chose the brick-red shingles to tie everything together.
6. A Dash Of Blue
Red bricks and a dash of blue sidings are other important combinations that become ideal if you want to add different shingles to your home. This red and blue color contrast is attractive, appealing, and unique. Unlike traditional and old-style looks, it offers a new and different look, which is why people love this color combination.
The amazing contrast between the blue siding and the red brick, instead of colliding, enhances the look of one another, making it one of the best red brick and siding color combinations. This home would be pretty dull without the siding, regardless of the architectural type.
7. A Sage Darker
The darker your siding is, the more significant and intimidating your brick house with red trim will appear. Any darker color for sidings with red brick house offers a reminiscent look and is an idea to use in the forests and the places surrounding trees.
There are different darker and red brick color combinations that you can apply. And if you need more clarification about the look, try a variety at a small portion and then use it in the overall house scheme if it looks perfect.
8. Just Beachy
This mansion’s color scheme exemplifies how crucial color selection is for your brick home. Along with the light tan siding, these light bricks appear even more sun-washed.

There might have been too great a disparity if the owner had opted for white. The brown contrasts with the brick and draws attention to the white window sashes.
9. Look At My Window
A gray color siding combination with the red brick house is an excellent choice if you want to maintain a stylistic and attractive look. Also, installing gray or green color windows or painting them is an awesome idea that can enhance the beauty of your home by triple bound.
The brighter siding in this example lightens the house with red siding and frames the most admirable sight. Use siding to draw attention if you have an ornate window in your dormer.
10. Tiramisu
With its siding option, this property achieves something unique. Using tiramisu color on the first ground floor walls is ideal for an eye-catching and enchanting look. The gray-brown 1st siding is then layered with the brown second-floor siding.
The whole scene offers a dessert-like look that optimizes your happiness and charm level t very first sight.
11. Black Chic
If you are unable to select the siding color with red bricks house, choosing black color sidings would be an ideal choice. Window sashes and fascia are other important combinations that can make your home look gloomy.
If your red brick home has a few black bricks strewn about, black siding is indeed an excellent color siding with red brick. The homeowner has chosen to highlight the natural brick instead of the siding, and the result is wonderfully exquisite.
12. Be Bold
Many homeowners prefer something more modest or predictable than vivid hues. Trim color and roofing material color sidings are what I love to capture.
Far from, it looks like one of those traditional red barns. It’s a simple, clean farmhouse up close. Leaving just the brick chimneys exposed was an aesthetic choice that benefited the entire structure.
13. Lighten Up
The major attractive element of this property is its massive windows, which the owner understands how to highlight. The first floor’s pastel yellow cladding is a terrific way to brighten any property. The pale red brick and thick, white cement of the ground level complement this color. It’s like a ray of brightness strewn around the area.
14. Like A Gift Box
Looking at a house might sometimes make you think of a playhouse or a terrifying haunted mansion. This one looks like a gift box, with its soft grey cladding wrapping around its beautiful square body like wrapping paper. The owner coated the basement and porch with the same color used in the siding. The ribbon is a brick, and it’s very clever!
15. Two In One
In this red brick and siding color, the boundary and roof should have a separate line to make them differentiate. The overall look is attractive and offers a perfect look when someone sees it for the first time. Even your guests and professional people would love it.
Because this homeowner added to their home, they chose a light grey siding with red brick. It distinguishes it from the entire house while highlighting the first-floor brick’s natural charm.
16. Red, White, & Brick
It’s not easy enough for everyone to find the exact match of red brick. The reason is that it’s not good to use highly dark or whitish color brick as an alternative measure.

However, you can use white and brick colors to match shades. The combination of these shades looks beautiful. Don’t exactly make lines or slides. Instead, I recommend using red, white, and brick colors so that the brick color is in between the red and white shades.
17. Try Tri-Tone
It is all about installing three colors as sliding. Most homeowners find it tough to match colors and shades when it comes to knowing about sliding bricks; in this case, red, tan, and dark brown colors for sliding work ideally.
Firstly install red color bricks and then install other colors to match them perfectly as per your wish to have a look at your house.
18. Brick Oasis
Brick oasis means installing blue color bricks on your home’s outside. Choosing when you cannot find red or white-colored bricks for the ideal combination is a perfect idea.
On the other hand, I highly recommend installing these in front or near the pool area if you have a pool. It is specifically made for those interested in meditation while doing yoga on the ground or swimming in the pool.
19. Washed Out
Installing white bricks outside of your home, i.e., in front of the outdoors, is the best idea I recommend based on our experience.
Although you can select a soft grey color for upper and lower roofs, darker is also a good choice. It depends upon your interest and color selection interests. Grey or dark blue are both good to go with.
20. Upstanding Siding
It is one of the most excellent views I have ever seen and recommended. Here, the bricks and the home is old enough. Additionally, the mortar of the house is old as well. The neutral black color of the bricks offers a perfect view, and an X-shaped door on the top presents a mind-blowing view for visitors. It is specifically designed in western areas for business buildings.

21. Shake It Up
The bricks installed in this view are mostly red. However, grey-colored bricks have been added, which offer a beautiful view. It highlights the advanced lifestyle of people interested in designing and are highly conscious of their lifestyle.
22. Cool As A Cucumber
As the name represents, the brick color in this idea is perfectly green. However, it is not easy to adjust red bricks with green color. Some people love doing so, and they have perfectly installed green bricks between the red bricks. Most people have installed these bricks on second stories and roofs. These look very satisfactory and sophisticated, which offers an interesting look.

23. How Do You Do?
This idea is for those who have old houses and want to get them new by look. Some red and white bricks make these houses unique and look like ideal places for aesthetic purposes.
Just try to install white bricks at sidings and other sites, which will brighten them by offering a dollhouse look.
24. The Darker The Brick
It is for those who don’t want a modern look in their home. Instead, they wish for a classic look, like an old but attractive house. Here people install red color bricks of medium and dark color.
Additionally, the darker green color is used in sliding. The overall view offers a classic but perfect color look which keeps the house attractive.
25. In Twos
Here the idea is to use grey color bricks alongside the whole wall. The main aim is to keep the grey texture. The combination of grey with red bricks. Its main purpose is to maintain a perfect flow, specifically in the garage and alongside the walkways. Hence, the whole scene offers a beautiful look when someone looks at it from the outside.
Conclusion- Red Brick and Sliding Color Combinations
Hence, above is a complete list of ideas for red brick and siding color combinations. The list is based on our research, and I mentioned all the pictures after analyzing them.
I highly recommend using these ideas in your home, specifically outside and outdoor places. For more information on paint color ideas, keep reading our latest blogs. Feel free to ask any queries; I love to hear from you.